
At 4:25am this morning my heart started to break. I woke to realize that Ladybug was passing a 4 hour stretch of sleep for the second time that night. I realized, even in my groggy state, that I needed to feed her right then. I needed to feed her because I needed to wake her at 6:15am to feed her before leaving for work.
As I was feeding her, gazing down and her pretty little face, my heart broke. As I am typing this, I am crying. I am going to miss my little Ladybug and Little Man. I am so sad that I can't give to Ladybug what I gave to Little Man.
I haven't even left the house yet, nor have I woke either children up. If I am crying now, what am I going to do at daycare?

2 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Jessica said...

I hope your first day back went well.

Life As I Know It said...

Oh, I hope your first day back at work went ok. I remember being in tears when I went back to work when my son was born. It's hard. Hang in there.

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