Broken Collor Bone Part 2

Littl Man's collar bone is, in fact, broken. In looking at the x-ray, you can see that it actually looks bent. No wonder he was shrieking out in pain!

After cutting his long sleeved t-shirt off of him yesterday morning, I realized that I needed to get him a few button-up shirts. I planned to go to work (I don't baby him. I want him to learn to suck it up and shake it off to do things on his own despite what ailes him), but decided that Little Man should have a choice in it too (see...I have a heart). I asked him if he wanted to stay home or if he wanted to go to daycare and see his friends. He chose daycare, so off we went.

On the way to work, we stopped at Wal-Mart. All before 8:00am and 85 whopping dollars later, we took 2 trips to the bathroom, changed one poopy diaper, had 4 new shirts, a new shirt to sleep in, a new ice pack, an ace bandage, a diet coke, hair clips and a you're a brave boy present.

I dropped him off at daycare and left him with a scooby doo ice pack, bottles of medication, instructions to ask for help in using the bathroom and on not yelling at his teachers because he hurts.

I called daycare and checked on him at 9:30; he was doing fine. I called daycare to check on him at 11:30; he was doing fine. I left for an offsite meeting (cell phone in pocket) at 11:45. I was in said meeting until 1:00. I pulled my phone out of my pocket at the end to see that I had no cell service! Crap...I just knew that if anything was going to happen, it was going to be then. Sure enough, I had 5 missd calls and 3 voicemails.

Little Man was fine, but he had an appointment with an orthopedist (45 minutes away) in 1 hour. I picked him up and we were off. He was like a totally different kid from Tuesday. He was joking and happy the whole time. He even let the doctor examine him.

The only thing that came from the $35 specialist appointment was the confirmation that it was broken and a new sling. He has to wear the sling for 3 weeks! That's going to be tough to do for a little boy as rambunctious as him.

All in all, he seems to be doing much better. Lying down and getting up from the position still seem to be the most challenging for him. It is then that he cries out in pain, but is also fearful of the pain he might feel. In watching him play last night, I could see that he has already gotten used to using one hand. That one hand is good for playing, for helping him up off the floor, for helping him scooch on and off the toilet, for many more things. Kids are amazingly adaptive!

2 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Rebecca said...

Just thinking about it makes me cringe in pain, but it sounds like Little Man is quite the trooper!

Jessica said...

Poor Little Man! I can't believe his collar bone is broken. I hope he continues to do well!

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