
I buy my diapers in bulk at one of the big buy in bulk stores (like costco). I went today to buy 2 boxes, and in the time span of one month the cost of said boxes has gone up $6 per box. That's right - $6 in one month. That was a 15% increase in cost over 1 month. What the hell? How can they do that? I know how...we are stuck and they know it. They know most mothers will not switch brands once they find one they like. We mothers are very picky about which diapers leak and don't.

I am so annoyed...those little pampers point do not make up for the cost!

6 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Rebecca said...

I hear ya! It seems that every time I buy diapers the price has increased. Bean just can't potty train soon enough! (seriously, when will she train??? I keep trying, she keeps refusing - ahhhh!!)

Fratzels said...

Try once upon a potty for girls...maybe it will work (then send it to me - is 11 months too early?).
Seriously though, my local library carries once upon a potty for girls..check yours.

Anonymous said...

it's crazy! I buy on-ine and get free shipping. I think Amazon is cheaper then CostCo? We are almost out of the diaper stage. Thank goodness!

Unknown said...

diapers are costly! How much do you guys spend on diapers alone every month?

Rebecca said...

Chrissy, I will check the library. She likes to watch the one you sent for boys but it isn't the same for girls, LOL!!!! And if I do find it and end up buying it I will totally share.

Donna, Cheaper than Costco? Really??? I am looking into that!

Candice, When I had both kids in diapers we were spending about $150/month on diapers. Now I just have one and it is anywhere from $45-$80/month.

Unknown said...

Oh boy we should go all natural. :D no cost there. lol
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Yay for moms!

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