Tuesday's Tip Jar

It seems to me, that 60% of our potty training accidents happened on the couch. This resulted in me cleaning the couch cushions a lot. One day, I found myself cleaning 2 cushions leaving us with just 1 for the day. Finally, I smartened up!

When potty training by using underwear instead of pull-ups, put a rubber backed bath mat on the couch. Whenever your potty trainer wants to sit on the couch, have him/her sit on the bathmat. This will help you avoid cleaning the couch each and every time there is an accident.

2 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Rebecca said...

This is GREAT advice!


Mrs. S. said...

Judging by my oldest during potty training, I'd better buy enough mats to cover the surface of my bed as well. :P

Great idea!

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