
As I was pulling out of my driveway this morning I saw my neighbor, Metro, jogging. That's right...he was jogging at 6:47am! A few thoughts occured to me.

1) Should I get up at 4:00am to jog? 4:00am is the only time that would allow me to actually jog, then shower, get the kids up, get the kids fed, pack for daycare and work, and get out the door at 6:45am? That sounds like a lot of hassle before 7am to me!
2) Would I have the energy to get up at 4:00am to jog?
3) If I started jogging at 4:00am, would the energy then come to me? All the experts swear you gain energy when you start exercising, but I have my doubts.
4) Should I jog at 8:00pm when my day winds down and allows me the time to do it?

So many questions to ponder when I see someone partaking in the healthful art of exercise.

6 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

MommyLisa said...

By 8pm you should have a lovely glass of wine and wind down!

Maybe think about jogging as you sip.


Heather said...

I know it sounds crazy, but that is when I started night! You know I am not a morning person! So evenings are easier for me. I also have less guilt issues because I get dinner done, baths, homework done, and storytime finished...then it is my time! I started at 9:00 PM. Works for me! Ya gotta do what works!

Fratzels said...

I am usually in bed by 9:00. Good grief woman! You know I am not a late night girl. I'm with Mommy - should be having a glass of wine at 8:00 - wait, I usually am having a glass of wine at 8:00.

Fratzels said...

I am usually in bed by 9:00. Good grief woman! You know I am not a late night girl. I'm with Mommy - should be having a glass of wine at 8:00 - wait, I usually am having a glass of wine at 8:00.

designHER Momma said...

4 am....too early girlfriend! The night is a better option, if you live in a really safe place where the boogie man can't get ya!

Or, can you go for a power walk at lunch? Not sure what your work situation is...

Sarahviz said...

I know what you mean. My options for running are either (1) before 5:30 a.m. or (2) after 8pm (and now it's starting to get dark by then!


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