
I have been wanting to get something off my chest, so I am just going to throw it out there. Here goes: I am glad summer is over! I really don't like summer. I have never liked summer. It is my least favorite season. I know...most of you (okay, well all 5 of you that read my blog) are sitting out there with your jaw on the floor - someone who doesn't like summer? How can that be?

I don't like the heat.
I especially don't like the humidity.
I don't like the skimpier clothes.
I love my yard, but I don't like the time it takes the hubs to care for it (yes the hubs -this Cali Girl doesn't do lawn care).
I don't like the constant worrying about sunscreen (and reapplying it every 2 hours) and skin cancer.
I don't like misquitos and the annoying little bites they cause.
I don't like that spiders are more prevlant.

As the summer season draws to an end with Labor Day this weekend, I will raise my nice glass of merlot to toast the end of the season and wait for the lovliest season of the year to begin. The season where the weather turns a little crisper, the leaves change, the apple harvesting is in full swing and leaves a sweet aroma in the air, the season in which we remember to give thanks for everything around us.

4 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Rebecca said...

I hate summer too! Fall is by far the best season - I like spring, but summer just bites! Ants - don't forget the ants - I can't stand them! I am toasting the end right along with ya!

Jessica said...

I am also a fellow summer hater. The heat and the mosquitos! Oh how I HATE it! :)

Heather said...

Ok...what is wrong with you people??? haha! Summer haters! I love summer...because that means I don't have to work! I get to sleep in! I love to bake in the sun and sweat! I love laying by the pool and reading my People magazine. I know...terrible! We dont get the mosquitoes out here like you folks back east. So we have that to our advantage!

But I must tell you....I love Fall the best as well! I love the nice cool mornings. I love getting back to school. I love harvest time and all the beautiful pumpkins! It is my favorite season as a teacher! I love decorating with all the oranges and reds and browns! I love putting the hay barrels out on my front porch and helping the girls make a scare crow to rest for a few weeks. Oct to Nov is great!

Melanie Sheridan said...

Since I live in So Cal, it's almost always summer here. But, we do get to break out our sweaters occasionally. Fall is my favorite but only because of the clothes and accessories.

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