Thanksgiving MeMe

Rebecca at A Walk Through the Valley did this great meme, so I am following suit. There are so many things to be thankful for in my life. I have been so blessed!

1. Which do you like better: hosting Thanksgiving at your home or going elsewhere?
It's less stressful to go elsewhere, but I enjoy hosting parties at home. I have only done Thanksgiving twice.

2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen turkey? Organic? Free-range?
I am far too cheap to buy anything other than a frozen turkey. We have turkeys running wild in our backyard; perhaps the hubs can shoot one next year - that would be even cheaper.

3. Do you make stuffing or dressing? What kind?
I prefer dressing. When it's stuffed in the bird it gets all mushy and nasty, or as my dad would say it becomes "buzzard puke."

4. Sweet potato pie or Pumpkin pie?
I've never had sweet potato pie, so I don't know if I like. I do know that I don't like pumpkin pie. It's the hub's favorite pie and I have one cooling now for tomorrow, but I won't be eating it.

5. Are leftovers a blessing or a curse?
Leftovers are great, but we rarely get them. This year we have our own turkey to cook so we can actually have leftovers.

6. What side dishes are a must-have in your family?
Dressing (my mom's cornbread dressing is the best I have ever had and I am bummed that I will miss it this year), mashed potatoes, green beans, squash and cranberry sauce.

7. What do you wish you had that might make Thanksgiving easier?
A laid-back personality (less type A), but when it's not at my house I don't have to worry about it.

8. If/when you go to someone else’s house for the holiday, do you usually bring a dish? If so, what is it?
I would hate to show up empty handed - that's just rude. I usually bring dessert. this year I am doing a new squash dish, cranberry sauce and a dessert.

9. What do you wish one of your guests would bring to your house?
Drinks. I never have enough and I never have something that pleases everyone.

10. What do you wish one of your guests would NOT bring to your house?
I've got nothing. Nothing is coming to mind. I just enjoy having company.

11. Do you stick with a particular menu from year to year or do you mix it up?
I am mixing it up this year (much to the hub's chagrin) with the squash dish. Instead of the traditional roasted and mashed with butter and brown sugar, I am making a butternut squash gratin. The recipe looks great. We'll see.

12. Is Thanksgiving a religious or secular holiday in your home?
It's day to give thanks for all the blessings in my life, but I give thanks for those blessings every day. I guess it's a day to be with family and to know that everyone else is just as thankful.

13. Share one Thanksgiving tradition.
In the early 1980's my great grandma started a tradition at Christmas, but we carried it on for every holiday. It started with a wrapped package that we passed around the table until a timer went off. Whoever ended up with it at the end of the timer got to open the package and keep what was inside. What was inside was an apron and the duty of doing the dishes. That person got to select the way in which the dishwasher was chosen at the next holiday. It was so much fun. Now that we have all grown up and have families of our own, we all volunteer to do the dishes and everyone pitches in to clean-up. The old way, I think, was way more fun.

14. Share one Thanksgiving memory.
My first Thanksgiving away from my family was in 1999. That was, in fact, my first holiday away from them. It was my first year living in Massachusetts. It was my first year living with my husband. I was coming from holidays were there were no less than 20 people gathered around. That Thanksgiving it was just the hubs, his 2 brothers and his dad. It was a very nice time because his Dad was so happy that the hubs had stayed home for Thanksgiving. It was nice to be there for that. On the other hand, it was incredibly difficult for me to be 3,000 miles away from home.

15. Name five things you’re thankful for.

I am thankful for God's grace. He has blessed me with so much more than I deserve. Without His grace, I would have nothing.

It's been a difficult year health wise for the hubs, so I am so incredibly thankful that he is healthy and that we have a marriage that can sustain such trials.

My children are happy and healthy. I can't ask for anything more from them. They are the bright light in each and every one of my days.

I live in a beautiful home. I am thankful that we are able to (although somewhat painstakingly sometimes) live the way that we do.

My family and the hub's family are our lifelines. Without them I am not sure we wold accomplish anything.

1 People Raise Their Wine Glasses to Me:

Rebecca said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I love the dishwasher game with the gift - that is definitely one to keep in mind!


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